Saturday, July 14, 2007

Quality time in Austin

With the transition from Georgia to Hawaii, it seemed the perfect fit to spend nearly a month here in Austin. Adriana and I drove the nearly 1000 mile trip at the start of the month, stopping for a surprise night in New Orleans. The whole fam' damily met up here at Danny's wonderful house and spent an excellent weekend up at his new ranch. Pretty full weekend with fishing, riding the four wheeler, eating watermelon and of course, seed spitting. I took Adriana down to Houston for her flight back to Ecuador where she would spend a couple long-awaited weeks with her lovely family. Carrie and her kids stayed a few more days after the ranch, here in Austin, enjoying the "poolside life."
Now, it's just Danny, Melissa, the three boys, and I for a few more weeks. Absolutely wonderful as I have time to do all the little preparatory work that comes along with our move and a new job. CPR/First Aid training next weekend, selling our car, curriculum planning, and much 1 on 1, 1 on 2, and 1 on 3 time to be enjoyed with T.J., Grant, and baby Turner. Truly a special time!